Trade CFDs
on global currency pairs
Open leveraged long and short positions on currency pairs from developed and emerging markets.
Get the most of every investment with spreads as low as 0.00008.
Keep your positions open for longer with minor swap values.
Manage your positions precisely thanks to investment volumes available from 0.01 lot.
Complete the process in 15 minutes without unnecessary formalities.
Use CFD Contracts
Trade in both rising and falling prices of all available pairs
Make use of the functionality that allows you to conduct transactions for amounts that exceed the capital invested. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
Be assured that you only invest the deposited money and the losses incurred will not be greater than your account balance.
Keep your investments under control
Stop Loss
Determine acceptable levels of possible loss and close positions automatically when a defined price is reached.

Pending orders
Open positions automatically when the instrument reaches the price you set, without having to constantly watch charts.

Take Profit
Make profits and close investments automatically at the determined price without the need to continuously monitor the market.